Jun 14·edited Jun 14Liked by Sandra Pawula

oh, I so love Mary Oliver, and your essay is beautiful tribute to her, Sandra! As one who has a service heart and a deep connection with nature, I really enjoyed all of this, the wonderment, appreciation, engagement with nature, and the question of what do you want to do with your wild and precious life. I have had many sublime times with grasshoppers, praying mantis, and other winged ones...thank you!

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Robin, I love hearing about the wonder of your creature-centered world! It's no wonder this is Mary Oliver’s most famous poem. It says so much to us! Thanks for your reply. I appreciate it so much.

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One of my favorites. Krista Tippett on NPR's 'On Being' interviewed Mary Oliver shortly before her death. It is a beautiful interview and Krista has a recording of her 12 year old daughter reciting the poem as part of a class assignment. Oliver was truly touched by it.

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Leslie, Thank you! I found the interview and enjoyed it immensely. What a sweet reading the 12-year-old did! I'll put the link here so others can follow it if they wish. Thanks again for stopping by and sharing with us. https://onbeing.org/programs/mary-oliver-i-got-saved-by-the-beauty-of-the-world/

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May 25Liked by Sandra Pawula

She is one of my favorite poets, Sandra! I am in the process of moving my studio of 25 years from the art center I have loved, to my basement which I hope will work for me. There were several reasons for the move, but the main one was this persistent vertigo that makes it difficult for me to walk and do all of the things the public studio required of me. One thing I look forward to is being alone (I loved lockdown in 2020) where I can be quiet and read and looks at birds, the squirrels and rabbits in my yard, and maybe be able to write poems again. My inner introvert is delighted:) and I am going to have to make an effort to go back and visit my friends there. I see many mindful moments coming soon, Sandra! Love to you, fellow introvert :)

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Jean, I'm so glad to hear what you're up to. I've been thinking about you and wondering if you're okay. I made a note to check your FB profile, but before I got to it, here you are. This move is a big change! I hope your basement will work for you as a studio, too. I love that your inner introvert is embracing the change and looking forward to the quiet and nature in your yard, and perhaps even time to write poems. I'm excited for you! Thanks for the update. Sending you love and positive wishes for you move and new studio space.

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May 25Liked by Sandra Pawula

Thanks, Sandra! It has been a wild ride, but I have a wonderful young friend/helper, who was my studio mate for several years and we definitely bonded. She is 30 and has no trouble climbing up on ladders and lifting things, just like I used to do :). I will keep you posted! Thank you for the love and positive wishes! <3

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Jean, I'm glad you have a helper! Looking forward to hearing more as you move along!

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What a beautiful poem - I did not know it and am so happy you shared it! I love questions and loved the reference to big, unanswerable questions. I can sit with those over years…!!

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Cathy, Wonderful! I'm so happy you liked it and the questions inspire you! I knew the two famous lines from this poem, but not the others. I was delighted, too, to read the poem in its entirety.

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May 24Liked by Sandra Pawula

yes..it`s when we slow down & just observe....I constantly need reminders of

this ...otherwise my brain goes back on auto function & skims Life

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Brenda, So true! It's the same with all of us! We need reminders!

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May 24Liked by Sandra Pawula

it`s sad that that`s our normal reset...where as when dinosaurs were chasing us.. I bet we paid attention to our surroundings ....lol

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Brenda, I bet we did! That made me laugh. It's a practice to make turning down the speed part of life, one I try to engage in more and more in my life.

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May 24Liked by Sandra Pawula

yup...speed is definitely an red flag ...why am I rushing ? am I being chased by a dinosaur ? lol

I`ll remember that ? Tx : ))) have a wonderful weekend !!!

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May 24Liked by Sandra Pawula

Oh I LOVE this poem, one of my favourites. Thanks for writing about it.

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Ali, I find it amazing, too!

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