Aug 20, 2023Liked by Sandra Pawula

Hawaii has been abused ever since the US colonized it and sold it to BIG SUGAR. Now BIG REAL ESTATE vultures hover over Lahaina. I think of a line in the Dylan song Blind Willie McTell "Power and greed and corruptible seed seems to be all that there is." I guess my contribution is to enjoy the good life in my sweet 350 sq. ft. studio in a senior place here in Seattle and do what you suggest: Meet every person I encounter with love and openness.

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Aug 19, 2023Liked by Sandra Pawula

You are so right, Sandra. The corporations and developers are in charge of the world and the values of the native people of all lands is forgotten, repressed or destroyed in the name of money. We are not seeing the effect of how we are living untl it is too late. Then we have a huge tragedy and many sufffer and die---yet nothing changes. I am lucky to be able to walk most places I need or want to go and i am not a shopper for other than food (and we grow some in our yard so that is nice). Many are trying to restablish native plants and native insects in their yards and that is a wonderful thing. We all can do something to help our world heal! I am so glad you are safe and still have your home. I remember the loss of your house to the volcano! Sending love and prayers for all in Hawaii <3

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