I'm not sure I have anything to share on the prompt... I'm sort of in a continual state of self-assessment and choosing desired changes and creating action plans to get there, with varying degrees of focus and 'success.' But I did just want to say I can totally see the Virgo in you, Sandra, and it makes me smile. I love Virgos for their absolute dedication to details (even when it drives themselves and their loved ones a bit crazy), and somehow I imagine you sitting down to write your beautiful posts and taking lots of time to make sure everything is just right. That's a quality I truly admire, and it's totally Virgo : )

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Hey, we're both Virgos! 💃🏾 Thank you so much for sharing my post in your newsletter, Sandra.

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Happy belated birthday!

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Sep 21Liked by Sandra Pawula

I’m back!!! I took a hiatus from much reading, but your free eletter always seems to reel me back in! Such good thoughts on similar situations!! Thx!

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Kat, Welcome back! We all need breaks sometimes. I'm glad you took care of yourself. Thanks for connecting again and telling me how my e-letter resonates with you! I appreciate that.

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Sep 20Liked by Sandra Pawula

How strange that a few days ago I finally saw and read an article on Medium by you! I was wondering if I would see one there and was so happy that I did. I enjoy your writings wherever they are, Sandra. I am Libra and I do think there is something to astrology but whenever I look into it, I see a lot of math and graph-looking charts, so I usually just read the interpretation and trust the experts to tell me what they see.

I find that I do better if I just tackle one change or part of a change, at a time. This year, leaving my studio and not being able to walk very well, has been about all I could handle---but, of course, if more to handle had come my way, I would have found the inner (and outer) resources to handle it. Isn't that sort of what life if about anyway? I wonder if there will be a time when I can say, "I would like to change this," and actually be able to do it. Well, actually, I am looking into Joe Despenza and his meditations and discoveries about how we can actually change our lives to heal. So, there is that :). I will see how I can work with his meditations as many others have done successfully! Wishing us both well in our life paths, Sandra! <3

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Jean, You've made a huge change this year, relocating your studio. You don't need to ask this particular question right now! You're amazingly courageous. I'm sure you will find the resources to handle whatever comes your way. But I hope you get a well-deserved break from challenges for a while. Good luck with the Joe Despenze meditations.

I'm surprised you haven't seen me on Medium before this, but it is a vast world. I'm glad you enjoyed the articles. Astrology is too complex for me, too. I can grasp the significant movements, but I leave it to the experts like you. I always love hearing from you!

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Thanks for sharing my article, Sandra!

I love the question you posed here. It’s motivating to consider stating to ourselves in clear terms what we need and want to change about our lives. So important!

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Lori, You're so welcome. I love your writing. I agree! This is an empowering question to ask ourselves.

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Aw, thanks, Sandra! I love yours, too. It’s wonderful to find kindred spirits here on Substack!

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