I lost myself in my marriage. I put the needs of my husband above mine since it was intolerable when his were not met. I am thankful beyond measure that those days are long behind me. Now the only needs and wants for me to take into consideration are my own. ;-)

Thank you for the thoughtful and helpful post, Sandra - and Happy Birthmonth!

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Cathy, Thanks for sharing so honestly. I'm sorry you went through that, and I'm glad those days are behind you. You seem like your own woman now, which inspires us all to know we can change, too. Thanks for the birth-month wishes!

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This is a valuable post and exercise, Sandra. When I work with a client that is one of the first things we discuss - needs, wants and values. It's no longer surprising to me how often it's difficult for my clients to articulate their needs. This is such an important message, especially in the time we're living in.

And, happy birthday to you!

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Thank you, Paulette; it's good to hear how essential this exercise is in your work with clients. Knowing our needs, wants, and values is foundational to building a happier, healthier, and more meaningful life. Thanks for the birthday wishes!

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