Hello Sandra. Long time no see! I am enjoying exploring your Substack. I can't say I am usually anxious in the ways you describe. If ever I am I veer towards paralysis and periods of deliberately distracting myself. But what I wanted to say in response to your post is that I can see that what you write will be resonating with lots of people and I really hope it helps them navigate the challenges. I have only just started on Substack, so still learning how these things work.

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Mar 25Liked by Sandra Pawula

Hey, Sandra, I am so glad you were able to fix the car even though it was expensive. I have had vertigo for 5 months now and my doctor appointment is on this Friday. When I get really anxious and think that this is never going away, I remember all of the horrible things people are going through and am grateful that I am able to eat good food, have a warm house to live in and a sweet neighborhood of friends, as well as a sweet husband. I also remember the times that things could have happened to me but didn't, so I am able to put things in perspective doing those things. We are all works in progress, aren't we? :) Sending love! <3

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Mar 24Liked by Sandra Pawula

hey Sandra...I can sooooo relate..how quickly the anxiety can ramp itself up...it`s like a body invasion.. take over...like a switch turnin ON with no OFF switch.....I think if you have been exposed to a lot of STRESSORS ... it`s like a button is activated.....it`s a familiar path for those feelings to follow in the brain ...but kuddo`s to you..for finding a way to derail them !!! ( but it`s good you were also concerned for your safety & the environment... ) I`ve used GRATITUDE whenever I`m feeling less than thoughts .... pulls me out instantly...yes !!!

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