Jul 22, 2023Liked by Sandra Pawula

I am right there with you, Sandra, when things happen to the house and also when things upset life as I am used to living it. I am not good with change even though try to talk myself through it. I know it is the biggest part of life and I keep trying to adjust and be ok with whatever it different. But I am not good at adapting to change, either good or bad change :)

I love that you dreamed of your inner caretaker! WOW! That just goes to show you that something inside you was paying attention to how your were doing self-care and made it into a dream!

I guess I get through the hard things by remembering that I have gotten through many other hard things and am just fine now. That always seems to put everything into perspective after I settle down enough to notice that! Both of us a very sensitive and that makes everything seem harder, bigger and worse! :) Sending you love! <3

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Jul 22, 2023Liked by Sandra Pawula

Hi Sandra, Here is what I learned from Lara Riggio about how to turn my frowns upside down. It really has worked for me to do this when I am upset, and to keep doing it as I focus on the outcome I want instead. Here is the link: https://larariggio.com/2023/06/13/how-to-tap-out-negative-thoughts-and-focus-your-energy-on-what-you-want-instead-2/

Hope this helps.

Love, Yvonne

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Jul 22, 2023Liked by Sandra Pawula

Hi Sandra. Loved this post! I am discovering that awareness is most important for me to work thru or process my emotions. I am not a fan of labels, but when dealing with feelings or emotions, I can't move forward without putting a name to to what IT is. I am finding that the quicker I can ID the issue, I can process it and let it go. Some days the flow is awesome!.....and some days not awesome...on those days my mantra/metta is: I send love, I send love, I send love

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Jul 22, 2023Liked by Sandra Pawula

Wow Sandra you seem to have been having an awful time ,sometimes we just have to let all these emotions overwhelm us just let go ,also it's good you have kept a note of all this and put it down as lessons to improve . I used to get overwhelmed with things but do u know lately iv been saying f*it sorry for that but its a book ,my cousin who had ovarian cancer bought its called f *** it therapy yes the swear word ,as iv had so many things happen in my life .now I just let go let God and the universe take care of me and think what ever will be will be as what's the truly worst thing that could happen ,iv now let go ,I'm dealing with my work just now whether they will just get rid of me due to not being able to do the job I loved being a personal home carer .but God or universe must have something better planned for me I just don't know yet or maybe it's tome to just relax take care of me for a while ,do u know Sandra after that work meeting I felt free I was singing and dancing when I got home ,so remember when life gives you lemons make lemonade and just laugh as there is always someone out there somewhere having a bad day too ,just smile ,I love your writing and reading all about your life thank you as you make me smile and I just want to give you a virtual hug tell u everything will be ok you are amazing x

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deletedJul 23, 2023Liked by Sandra Pawula
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